In the midst of preparing for the inevitable exclusion from the list of multi-year funded organisations, Dogstar have found themselves producing a text that similarly has suffered a cull, as The Testament of Gideon Mack from next year onwards will no longer be part of the National 5 English curriculum. Taking the opportunity to tour… Continue reading The Testament of Gideon Mack
Month: March 2025
What Dreams May Come
A humanoid figure with a donkey’s head lies on a hospital bed in a small, clean room. A book of Shakespeare sonnets lies on his chest. As the dawn rises, we see this elderly man’s day begin: nurses and doctors come to check on him, offering food and assessing his condition. Family members visit, bringing… Continue reading What Dreams May Come
Il Bajazet
The photographs displayed above are so different that readers may wonder if they really can belong to the same production. And they would not be far wrong. Although Il Bajazet carries the name of Vivaldi on the sleeve, it is the work of many hands, what in 1735 Verona was known as a pasticcio, to you and me… Continue reading Il Bajazet
Mid Life
A show about mid-life women by a mid-life woman and based on anthropologist Dr Isabel de Salis’s research into 50 menopausal women for over 10 years, Mid Life is poignant, funny, over-reaching and frustrating by turns. There is a lot packed into just 90 uninterrupted minutes, from the physical and mental effects of perimenopause and menopause, to… Continue reading Mid Life
One Day When We Were Young
This revival of Nick Payne’s intimate two-hander packs a lot into ninety minutes: six decades in fact, beginning in 1942 when young lovers Leonard and Violet give their families invented explanations for not coming home and book into a Bath hotel for a night together, their first and their last before Leonard goes off to… Continue reading One Day When We Were Young
A lively show that mixes live drumming with theatre, judo, dance and wrestling. At the centre, is Jenni (Jennifer) Jackson telling us, repeatedly, she was a Junior Judo Champion (which in real life, she was) and a reason she fights with such passion and determination. Jennifer Jackson is also a performer, director and writer and… Continue reading WRESTLELADSWRESTLE